How We Work
Our output provides our customer companies with a high process improvement yield in a fast and cost-effective way. This means that we assure the improvement effectiveness in the first place. After that it is purposeful to focus on the improvement efficiency. It is often also advisable to put emphasis on increasing the improvement understanding before starting with the actual improvement efforts. Typically, we operate in the following way:
Increasing the Improvement Understanding
- The customer acquaints himself or herself with the book High-Performance Process Improvement, and/or
- The customer orders a company specific seminar based on said book. In the course of the event, a problem- and result-oriented approach is utilized to discover how the company could realize its improvement potential as well as possible. Service description
Assuring the Improvement Effectiveness: Improving the Right Issues
- Conducting a process analysis and synthesis (VISTALIZER® Report) focused on a certain key process. The delivery time is 14 days; the time need for key persons taking part in the work is 5-7 h per person.
- Conducting a limited analysis and synthesis of a certain area of interest, e.g. the quality of the strategy and improvement work (VISTALIZER® Acid Test)
- Conducting a network analysis and synthesis (VISTALIZER® for Networks)
Assuring the Improvement Efficiency: Improving the Right Issues
- Conducting the activities related to the implementation, including education, training, the practical realization and follow-up (VISTALIZER® for Enterprises + VISTALIZER® Acid Test)
The product descriptions contain more detail explanations of the time usage and how the work advances.
The special solution VISTALIZER® for Businesses focuses on improving the strategy process. All other solutions are generic, i.e. the solutions can be applied in all process types.